

At USTEK, we believe in giving back to the community. Whether it’s by time, talent and/or treasuries.


Declaration of Conflict-Free Materials

Conflict-FreeBecause social responsibility is key to USTEK and our customers, we certify that we use only “DRC Conflict Free” materials in the production of all of our products. USTEK does NOT use tin, tantalum, tungsten or gold mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) or adjoining countries. We also certify that we do not use parts created from the scrap or recycled materials whose source may have the DRC or adjoining countries.

Greyhound Rescue

USTEK Inc. supports the adoption of retired racing greyhounds with monetary and time donations to organizations including: Team Greyhound Adoption of Ohio and Greyhound Adoption of Ohio. The transportation, medical procedures, feeding and other expenses are paid entirely by donations from individuals, and companies. USTEK is among those dedicated to preserving, protecting, and homing these beautiful animals.


Recycling & Art

Recycling & ArtAt USTEK Inc. we take recycling seriously. Our employs take paper products to local school recycling drives. In order for schools to collect money. We donate damaged bare printed circuit boards to local schools to create art. If your local school would like bare circuit boards for STEM or art please contact us at